PLR vs MRR – your questions answered!

PLR vs MRR – your questions answered!

When you’re new to the world of digital products, terms like PLR (Private Label Rights) and MRR (Master Resell Rights) might seem straightforward at first. However, truly understanding their unique advantages, how they differ, and the best ways to leverage them for your business can take some time.

I experienced this learning curve myself, and once I fully grasped how PLR and MRR could transform my business, it was a game-changer. In this post, we’ll explore what PLR and MRR are, how they differ, and why understanding these concepts can be crucial for your success as a digital entrepreneur.

I get asked about PLR and MRR a lot. Here are some of the most common queries I receive, and my answers to them:

What is PLR?

So, let’s start with PLR—Private Label Rights. Imagine you’ve just bought a beautiful template for an eBook, but it’s a bit too generic or doesn’t quite look like any of the other products or branded collateral you are distributing. 

Here’s the cool part: with PLR, you don’t just get the template – you get to customize it, add your own flair or brand identity, and make it look like it’s, well, yours. Created from scratch. It’s like taking a basic recipe and adding your secret ingredients to make it unique, differentiated, and aligned with your style.

In what ways can PLR benefit your audience?

  1. They can make it their own: Whether it’s an eBook, a course, or an article, PLR gives your customers the freedom to modify the content to fit their brand and voice. Want to update some outdated info? Go for it. Want to add your own personal touch? Absolutely.
  2. Save time and money: Let’s be real—creating content from scratch can be time-consuming and costly. PLR lets you skip the grunt work and focus on what you do best: connecting with your audience and growing your business.
  3. Versatility at Its best: PLR products are incredibly versatile. You can turn a single PLR eBook into a series of blog posts, a lead magnet, or even a video series. The possibilities are endless.
  4. Cater to specific niches: Finding a niche audience with growth is an art and a skill – but once you’ve identified and harnessed a lucrative target niche or demographic, they will go viral – and profits will skyrocket. For example: conscious living and parenting are increasingly popular and evergreen niches respectively, and we’ve explored topics and resources to cater to these communities. And there are plenty more where those came from! Take a moment to think of a few and then do some research on them.

What are the benefits of PLR?

PLR is highly cost-effective, giving you access to quality content without the need to create it from scratch. It's flexible, allowing you to modify and customize the material to suit your brand. Plus, it saves you a significant amount of time, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your business.

What are the drawbacks of PLR?

The biggest drawback is that PLR content isn't exclusive—other people could be using the same products. To stand out, it's crucial to personalize and add your unique spin to the content to make it truly your own.

For some examples, you can browse our range of our PLR products here – these products have been researched, created, and crafted over years of experience and research. 

What is MRR?

Now, let’s talk about MRR—Master Resell Rights. This one’s a bit different from PLR. When you purchase a product with MRR, you get the right to resell it as-is. But here’s the kicker: you can also pass on those resell rights to your customers, allowing them to resell the product too. 

It’s like buying a product, setting up your own store, and then giving others the keys to set up their own stores with the same product.

In what ways might MRR be a good fit for my audience?

  1. Instant revenue: With MRR, you don’t need to spend time modifying or branding the product. You can start selling it right away and keep 100% of the profits.
  2. Build a reseller network: Since you can pass on the resell rights, you can create a network of resellers who will also promote the product. This can be a powerful way to build customer loyalty and scale your business quickly.
  3. Expand your product line: If you’re looking to offer more to your customers without the hassle of creating new products, MRR is a fantastic option. It allows you to expand your offerings and attract a wider audience. 

What are the benefits of MRR?

MRR (Master Resell Rights) is a fast and simple way to generate revenue. You can also build a reseller network, expanding your earning potential without much upfront effort.

All of our MRR products on Digital Product Hub are fully customizable, allowing you to modify them to suit your needs. 

However, depending on the product seller elsewhere, you may or may not be allowed to customize a product with MRR. This makes it crucial to carefully read the terms and conditions before purchasing, as some MRR products may allow limited modifications while others must be sold as-is.

What are the drawbacks of MRR?

A key limitation is that you can't customize the product since you're selling it as-is. Additionally, with many others reselling the same product, the market can become saturated, making it harder to stand out.

Take a few moments to study our MRR products  – you’ll see that we’re catering to a wide variety of audiences. While our MRR Bundle  gives you all the products you need to start your own digital product store.

So – PLR or MRR? Which one should you choose?

So now you’re probably wondering—should I go with PLR or MRR? The answer really depends on your business goals and what you want to achieve.

  • Go for PLR if: You love the idea of customizing content to make it your own. If branding and creating unique products is important to you, PLR is the way to go. It’s perfect for entrepreneurs who want to build a strong, personalized brand.
  • Choose MRR if: You’re looking for a quick, straightforward way to make money online. If you want to get products into your customers’ hands without the hassle of customization, MRR is your best bet. It’s ideal for those who want to build a reseller network or simply expand their product offerings quickly.

What have been some of your personal experiences with PLR and MRR?

When I first started my digital business, I was all about PLR. I loved taking a piece of content, tweaking it, and making it something that felt truly mine. It allowed me to build my brand in a way that was authentic and personal. 

Plus, it saved me so much time—I could focus on connecting with my audience rather than getting bogged down in content creation.

But as my business grew, I started incorporating MRR into my strategy as well. MRR products were a great way to quickly expand my offerings and attract new customers who were looking for ready-made solutions. 

It also allowed me to create partnerships with other entrepreneurs who could resell my products, which was a win-win for both of us.

 Final thoughts on PLR vs MRR

Whether you choose PLR or MRR—or a mix of both—what’s most important is that you’re making informed decisions that align with your business goals. Both PLR and MRR have the potential to significantly boost your business by offering valuable products to your customers without the need for extensive product development.

So, take a moment to think about where you want to take your business. Are you all about creating unique, branded content? Or are you looking for a fast and easy way to get products out there? 

Whatever you decide, I’m here cheering you on every step of the way.

Explore our range of PLR and MRR products to start customizing your own digital content today!

For a summary of the information above, and to view our licensing agreements for our PLR and MRR products, as well as some Ts&Cs, click here. You could very well find some more clarity and guidance in the fine print. 

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